The Lion King Hero

I am guessing that you all have a hero or someone you look up to. My hero is my great grandma, and the movie The Lion King reminds me a lot about her . Like Rafiki , Pumba and Simba.  Rafiki reminds me of her because Rafiki is wise my great grandma knows a lot of things about the world that nobody else could tell me about. She lived through a lot of things like World War 2, the Cold War, and the Vietnam war. She is also old like Rafiki I know Rafiki is old because he lived through Simba´s life and his childs life. My great grandma is also like Rafiki because she is crazy . It is like being 96 doesn´t matter to her she still is constantly cooking just like Rafiki is constantly running and jumping. My grandma is like Pumba because she is strong not phsically strong but mentally strong. She can go through anything and be tough.  When she was sick for a year she acted normal. My grandma is like Simba because she is brave. She was brave when my great uncle went to fight in Vietnam and brave during World War 2 when my great grandpa was fighting in Germany. This is the characteristics that remind me of my great  grandma from The Lion  King.

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